Thursday, April 15, 2010

Natural Cures For Cancer, Causes, Symptoms and Home Remedies

Cancer is a group of diseases and it is characterized by out-of-control cell growth. There are more than 100 different types of cancer, it is a broad term. Each type of cancer is having its own characteristics. In cancer, damaged cells divide out-of-control and forms lumps or masses of tissue which is known as tumors and in turn it harms our body.

Causes of Cancer

Some cells grow uncontrollably and do not die. These cells ultimately result into cancer.Normally the cells in our body follow a path in order of growth, division and death. When there is a disturbance or breakage in this routine then it gives birth to cancer. In cancer the cells unlike the regular cells do not undergo a programmatic death and continue to grow and divide. Gradually it leads to a mass of abnormal cells which grows out of control.

Basic Information on Lung Cancer Surgery

Symptoms of Cancer

The symptoms of cancer are of varied nature and it mainly depends upon the location where it occurs in the body. It also depends, where it has spread and the size of the tumor. Main symptoms of the cancer are not so specific. It includes:

1. Unintentional Weight Loss
2. Persistent Fatigue
3. Pain
4. Fever
5. Chronic cough
6. Bowel changes
7. Persistent fatigue

Lung Cancer Information Library

Natural Cures and Home Remedies for Cancer

We all have cancer cells within our body. It is very necessary to treat the cancer by building the body's immune system then the body's white cell, etc. If our immune system is high, then normal cells will not get out of control as cancer cells are weaker than the normal cells. There is no such herb, drug etc. to treat cancer.

Cancer has to be treated only by building the body's immune system. Some natural ways are there which will help in building the immune system. Increase the intake of raw foods: To reduce the effect of cancer raw foods are very helpful like fruits sprouted grains, nuts, vegetables etc. Cooked beans, bread, potatoes etc. should be avoided.

Bone Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment

Avoid fatty diet: It is advisable to take low fat diet as high refined fats are directly associated with the risk of cancer. Breast cancer is directly related with the intake of saturated fats as well as animal fats. You must go for low fat diet because it not only prevents the breast cancer but also the survival of women who already have breast cancer.

Avoid empty calories and sugar: Empty calories, sugar and junk foods directly affect the working of the body's immune system. So this type of food should be avoided.
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Saturday, January 2, 2010

Cancer Information

The merely diagnosis of cancer is one of the scariest things one can experience, let alone the allopathic cancer treatments following diagnosis.One of the most important action cancer survivors should take is have a family meeting and discuss risk concerns with all their loved ones.Having one family member diagnosed with cancer, places all the other family members in a high risk zone.

Luckily, naturopathic medicine offers a lot of insight and knowledge into the area of cancer prevention; it is actually one of its strengths.Since cancer operates in an oxygen-poor environment, the well-exercised body is far more likely to repel cancer cells or keep them from propagating.People who are under a high level of stress or who are sick, whether from cancer or some other disease, have a much higher requirement for vitamin C than those not under such stress or illness.

Antioxidants protect the cell's DNA and membranes from free- radical damage, thus preserving normal cell reproduction and overall functioning.recent study of workers at Chernobyl nuclear power station in Russia found that Gingko biloba, taken over a 2-month period, caused a two-thirds decrease in their chromosome damage. Such damage can eventually lead to the development of cancer.Breast cancer patients who underwent supportive/ expressive group therapy lived on average twice as long as those who did not ( control group).

In another study, patients with malignant patients with malignant melanoma assigned to a series of six 90- minute support group meetings were less anxious and depressed than controls, and had significantly lower rates of recurrence and mortality a full 6 years later.A good prevention protocol for your loved ones would have to include good antioxidants-at least vitamin C.Protecting your loved ones is paramount for cancer survivors.

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