Sunday, October 20, 2013

Does Money Alone Help Brain Cancer Research?

By Rob Sutter

I'm sure that people look at brain cancer research and see nothing but the brightest future. After all, people who are well-versed in this field are working tirelessly to see that cures come about. It might seem like one of the most daunting tasks in the world but it's a task in which people can come together and lend a hand or two as well. This type of research is not limited simply to money, as you will soon learn as you read further on.

Brain cancer research is a field that deserves to be helped and speaking with one's wallet is one way to go about helping. When donating money, it seems like any amount can make a different in the work that these researchers conduct. They are also backed by the support of companies like Voices Against Brain Cancer, which shows just how great the level of help can be. However, the level of help can only continue to move outward than simply the ways of finance.

Simply participating in the events that companies like VABC host can help the matter as well. It shows that you support this movement and that you are going to stand strong amongst others who feel the same about the cause as you. These events can be a lot of fun and while something like that can't be disputed, the goal itself has to be realized. People have to be made aware of the cause and, thereby, be inclined to grant their support as well.

Let's say that you cannot donate money or time for whatever reason; you can still help out. Social media is a strong tool and with Facebook especially, spreading a message can be done. Awareness on this matter is something that can be spread if, for instance, a gray ribbon was posted on someone's wall for their friends to see? If these friends followed suit and posted the same ribbon, a chain reaction could be seen and the impact of these groups would be felt.

It's not like an open wallet is absolutely necessary but it is one of those ways that brain cancer awareness can be spread to the world. You can also donate your time by going to events, getting involved with other people in order to help the cause further. Those who cannot attend will be able to spend time on their respective social media page to post about it. In this sense, people from all around the world will be able to see the message you'd like to display.

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