Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Personalities to Use for Brain Cancer Awareness

By Rob Sutter

When talking about certain causes in the world, I think it goes without saying that awareness is needed. People have to know that it exists and when it does not, success is not going to be seen in high amounts. Brain cancer is a troubling condition and a good portion as to why that is lies on the complexity of searching for immediate treatments. I can only hope that, in due time, awareness will pay off and I can see different kinds of people getting on board thanks to personalities they like.

Professional wrestling, in these days, is more geared towards males - both young and old - and this is where brain cancer awareness can assist such groups. World Wrestling Entertainment has had a history of working within causes such as these, so it's clear that the company understands the need for it. They can also do work alongside reputable organizations like V.A.B.C. to help the matter further. If there were two people I could see being at the front end of this movement, John Cena and Sheamus are them.

What about families who may find themselves watching TV constantly with one another every night or so? Sitcoms are usually played because those are the kinds of shows which parents would allow their children to watch, confident that they will not pick up any bad habits. It could also be a learning experience for everyone on the couch to learn about brain cancer, possibly through a guest character who's been afflicted. Such messages, if done right, can leave a lasting impression on close households.

Once these demographics - as well as others - have learned about the cause, I think they would like to do their part. Fortunately, Voices Against Brain Cancer has been able to do exactly that, hosting a group of events meant to bring people together. Also, it goes without saying that money is raised so that the act of research can be conducted. This is a cause that many people can sympathize with and I think it'll be the efforts of the people which will the help the goal of a discovered remedy come to fruition.

People can become involved on the matter, no matter where they may fall in terms of social groups. However, they may not be able to invest their time unless they learn about the issue at hand. If the cause is brought to the platforms which they like - television, athletics, or what have you - then it's possible that they will be more driven to do their part on the matter. Sometimes all a method needs in order to be successful is for people to simply know about it.

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